Poultry Disease

Tag: Fowl Cholera

Fowl Cholera is a contagious, widely distributed disease that affects domestic and wild birds. It is usually apparent as a septicemia of sudden onset with high morbidity and mortality, but chronic and asymptomatic infections also occur. Pasteurella multocida (Pm) is the causative agent. With acute fowl cholera sudden, unexpected deaths of a large number of birds in a flock are observed without any signs. In chronic infections, signs are mainly due to localized infections of joints, abscesses of the head (cranial bones, infraorbital sinuses, subcutaneous tissue, comb and wattles), oviduct and the respiratory tract (dyspnea and rales). Torticollis might be associated with infections of the cranial bones, middle ear, and meninges. Pm-derived bacterins are available but are effective only against homologous serotype challenge. Vaccines used against fowl cholera include inactivated bacterins and live attenuated vaccines.

Autogenous vaccine made especially against specific Pasteurella multocida or Ornithobacterium strains.
The vaccine is recommended for vaccination of chickens and turkeys against Fowl Cholera.
Inactivated vaccine against Newcastle Disease and Fowl Cholera - PM 1, 3, 4 serotypes - in oil emulsion.

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