Poultry Disease

Tag: Turkey Meningoencephalitis (TME)

Turkey Meningoencephalitis (TME) is a neuro-paralytic disease of  turkeys caused by an arthropod-borne Flavivirus ( Ntaya serogroup VI, first described in Israel in 1959). TME shows infrequent/seasonal outbreaks and is characterized by high morbidity and mortality.
The virus is transmitted by some mosquitoes and culicoides. Epidemics are observed between August and December. The disease is characterized by progressive paralysis with a mortality rate of about 15-30%, but that may reach 80%. The main signs include paresis, incoordination, paralysis of the wings, neck and greenish diarrhea. In turkey breeders, reduced egg production is observed. An effective attenuated vaccine against the virus was developed and is used to immunize turkeys.


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