Poultry Disease

Tag: Chicken Infectious Anemia

Chicken Infectious Anemia (CIA) is caused by  a  circovirus with a worldwide distribution. Chickens are the target hosts.
Vertically infected progeny chickens and progeny chickens with suboptimal maternal immunity which become infected horizontally contribute to economic losses during production. The disease, that is clinically manifested as bone marrow atrophy, anemia and severe immunosuppression affects mostly 2-4-week-old chickens. Chicks with CIA develop severe anemia, pancytopenia, and immunosuppression that may result in secondary infections. Cutaneous, intramuscular, and mucosal hemorrhages are often seen in affected chicks. Atrophy of the thymus, and pale bone marrow are the most characteristic lesions of CIA although bursal atrophy is often observed in clinical cases. Mortality reaches 20% and surviving birds show retarded growth.
CIAV interferes with vaccinal immune responses and has been implicated in acting synergistically with other disease agents used to prevent CIA breeder-progeny transmission. Secondary infections (due to immunosuppression) are common sequelae of CIA outbreaks. Control of CIA in commercial broilers and layers is largely based on generating immune responses in the breeders. Vaccination with live vaccines is used in order to prevent transmission of CIAV from breeders to their progeny.

Active immunization of future layers and breeding stock (chickens) against Chicken Infectious Anemia.

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