Vir 114


Freeze Dried Live Vaccine – Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) – Virgo 7 strain – SPF origin

Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro disease)

Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD), commonly referred to as Gumboro disease, is a highly
contagious viral infection that predominantly affects young chickens, particularly those
between 3 and 6 weeks of age. The disease specifically targets the bursa of Fabricius, a
critical organ in the avian immune system, resulting in immunosuppression and an increased
susceptibility to secondary infections.
IBD is caused by the Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV), which is classified as a member of
the Avibirnavirus genus within the Birnaviridae family. The virus exhibits notable resilience,
demonstrating the capacity to survive under a variety of environmental conditions, thereby
complicating decontamination efforts.
Prevention of IBD necessitates a multifaceted approach:
Vaccination: The administration of vaccines to breeder flocks ensures the transfer of
protective antibodies to their progeny, thereby providing early immunity to chicks.
Additionally, younger flocks can be vaccinated with live vaccines to enhance their immune
Biosecurity: The implementation of stringent biosecurity protocols, including restricted farm
access, maintenance of hygienic conditions, and minimization of contact with external flocks,
is essential for mitigating the risk of virus introduction and transmission.

Additional information


Each dose contains live attenuated Infectious Bursal Disease virus, Virgo 7 intermediate-plus strain, at least 10 2.5EID50.


Immunization of chickens against Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro disease). It may also serve as live virus primer of replacement pullets for subsequent vaccination with inactivated IBD vaccine.

Indications for use

Use by instructions of a veterinarian.
Use immediately after reconstitution with antiseptic or disinfectant free drinking water.

Administration and dosage

Drinking water:
• Make sure that drinking water is free of any traces of disinfectants.
• Deprive the birds of drinking water two hours before vaccination.
• Prepare adequate volume of drinking water to be consumed within one to two hours.
• Protect the dissolved vaccine from chlorine by adding BIOVAC'S Blue Neutrachlor® (following the instructions) or skim milk powder (50g/20L) or skim milk (0.5L/20L) to drinking water to be consumed within one to two hours.
• Stir well after mixing and allow solution to stand for 20 min before adding the vaccine.
• Mix well the reconstituted vaccine in the final volume of disinfectant-free drinking water.
• Let the birds consume all the vaccine-water volume before renewing water supply.
Ocular route:
The vaccine should be dissolved in physiological saline solution (usually 40 ml per 1,000 doses) and administered by means of a standardized dropper. Administer one drop (0.04ml) of vaccine into the open eye of each bird.


• Vaccinate healthy birds only.
• All susceptible birds on the same premises should be vaccinated at the same time.
• Use entire contents of the vial when first opened.
• Destroy unused contents and decontaminate empty vials before discarding them.
• Keep vaccination records including vaccine batch number.

Withdrawal period



Store at 2ºC-8ºC, protected from direct sunlight.


Each box contains 10 or 20 vials of 1,000, 2,500 or 5,000 doses.


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